Over the course of 2020-2021, Brice Engineering together with team partners Appledore Marine Engineering, LLC and Global Diving & Salvage, Inc., worked collaboratively with the US Air Force and US Army Corps of Engineers to address extensive storm-related damage to a fuel pier located on the remote Shemya Island in Alaska. The fuel pier is Read More
Published Articles
Completing The Transfer of Port Clarence
Last summer, Brice collaborated with the US Coast Guard to complete the transfer of US Coast Guard land to its original owners — the 8 million Yu’pik people of the Bering Straits region of Alaska. This land transfer had been decades in the waiting, since the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 was passed Read More
After the Storm: Ensuring Education Can Continue
USACE Honolulu and New York; Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands; Published July 2019. On October 25, 2018, Super Typhoon Yutu swept through the Northern Mariana Islands. The category 5 storm was the strongest ever recorded on the U. S. territory. The destruction of Saipan in particular led to a coordinated response from the Federal Emergency Management Read More