Client: USACE Seattle
Location: Mose Lake, Washington
Scope of Work:
- Remedial action reports
Brice prepared two remedial action reports (RARs) to document the remedial action completed by another contractor at the Moses Lake Wellfield Contamination Superfund Site. Remedial Action Objectives (ROAs) included preventing unacceptable risk to human health and ecological receptors from exposure to soil and debris above action levels, preventing migration of hazardous chemical contaminants through the soil column to groundwater, preventing further migration of the plume and restoring groundwater to meet federal drinking water and state cleanup standards, and preventing human exposure to groundwater contamination above MCLs. Brice prepared the RARs in accordance with OLEM Directive 9320.2-23, Closeout Procedures for NPL Sites and addressed the two sites: 1) South Groundwater Plume, Upper Basalt Aquifer, Priest Rapids/Roza 1; and 2) Potential Source Area 20.
Brice considered the following standards in the production of the RARs: if construction work was complete, including site restoration and demobilization; if RAOs and associated cleanup levels specified in the Interim ROD had been achieved; if a successful contract final inspection or equivalent had been conducted; and documenting if any RA actions are still pending. As part of this work, Brice also conducted kick-off, partnering, document review, and document progress meetings until RAR approval by USACE and the EPA.