Client: USACE Omaha
Location: Umatilla, Oregon
Scope of Work:
- Operations and maintenance
- Semiannual groundwater monitoring
Brice is performing operations and maintenance (O&M) services for the Groundwater Extraction Treatment System (GETS) to ensure the treatment system functions as designed and removes energetic contaminant mass from site groundwater at the Rees Training Center (former Camp Umatilla). The GETS operates at ~1,400 gallons per minute and uses two sets of 20K-lbs. granular activated carbon (GAC) vessels in parallel to remove contaminants from extracted water ahead of discharge to two on-site infiltration galleries. Our tasks include routine monthly O&M, performance monitoring, and monthly reporting.
In addition, Brice coordinated and subcontracted fabrication and repairs to four GAC vessel manway door and flange assemblies, vessel integrity inspection and internal coating repairs, performed several repairs to the building interior and exterior, and re-sealed the paved area around the GETS building. We have repaired and replaced pressure transducers, flow meters, and an exhaust fan on the extraction wells/vaults. Brice also repaired aspects of the SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) system, extraction well power supply, and added an influent pressure transducer to the GETS. Brice has performed one full GAC change-out event (4 vessels) and is under contract to perform future changeouts (2 vessels) on ~8-month intervals.
Brice performs semiannual groundwater monitoring (approx. 50 wells/event), reporting, and is planning additional contaminant source area characterization.