Client: USACE Alaska
Location: Eielson AFB, Alaska
Scope of Work:
- Soil washing/remediation of PFAS contaminated soil stockpiles
- Waste management
Brice is performing the remediation of 139,098 cubic-yards of PFAS-contaminated soil at Eielson AFB (EAFB) using our patented soil washing process. In 2016, the U.S. Air Force announced plans to station two squadrons of F35A fighter planes, which required new facilities and infrastructure. Soil was excavated to prepare for building foundations, site grading, and utility installation in areas where PFAS and other contaminants including DRO, PAHs, and pesticides, had previously been identified. A total of 145,793 cy of excavated soil from 14 areas was placed in 33 stockpiles at a former onsite landfill known to have PFAS in groundwater. In 2021, a characterization project confirmed that ~139,098 cy of the stockpiled soil are impacted with PFAS and other co-contaminants above the TCLs.
Our first full season of soil washing began in 2024 on a 24-hour, 7-day per week schedule. One by one, each stockpile is treated through our soil washing plant. To maximize production, we established a mobile laboratory, the first of its kind for a full scale PFAS treatment project. Analytical results from the mobile lab are also confirmed by an offsite laboratory. Construction debris, tramp metal, post-processed soil, vegetation, process water, chemicals, spent media, and other municipal solid waste are managed and characterized in accordance with the approved Waste Management Plan.
In 2023, we treated ~1,550 cy of PFAS contaminated soil. In 2024, we treated another 30,500 cy and achieved cleanup levels well below the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) target.
Project Highlights (as of 10/2024)
- The project is the currently the largest PFAS contaminated soil remediation project in the United States
- Oversize and coarse fractions have been treated to a level 70% below the ADEC standard and 60% below the EPA 2024 level, exceeding expectations
- The U.S. Air Force approved the reuse of ~4,500 cy of treated soil for base operations, with confidence and in accordance with EPA May 2024 regulatory standards
- 4 million gallons of water are treated per 24-hour cycle in a closed loop via our patented soil washing plant (1,000 gallons/min)
- At peak, our patented soil washing plant requires 250 kw of energy to operate, far below most PFAS treatment options