Client: USACE Alaska
Location: Umiat, AK
Scope of Work:
- Feasibility Study
Brice performed a Feasibility Study of the Umiat Test Well #7 Formerly Used Defense Site in Umiat, Alaska due to lead contamination at the site. Our scope of work included evaluation of existing site data, development of a conceptual site model, identification of ARARs, RAOs, and applicable technologies based on the contaminants, their distribution, and site conditions as compared to RAOs and ARARs. Identified technologies were screened based on effectiveness, implementability, and cost, and each alternative was evaluated that passed screening against the following CERCLA criteria:
- Protection of human health and the environment
- Compliance with ARARs
- Long-term effectiveness and permanence
- Reduction of toxicity, mobility, or volume through treatment
- Short-term effectiveness
- Implementability
- Cost
Brice presented a comparative analysis to determine the relative performance of each alternative. To perform the work, we conducted a site visit to evaluate logistics, determine site conditions, investigate previous sampling locations, observe past plug/abandonment completion work, and collect documentation, photographs, and Global Positioning System coordinates.