Client: US Coast Guard
Location: Multiple Locations, Alaska
Scope of Work:
- NEPA Compliance
- Cultural Resources Compliance
On support of the US Coast Guard, Brice provided environmental review of 40 Civil Engineering Unit Juneau (CEUJ) construction projects/D17 Unit operations and document preparation for the USCG CEUJ to meet regulatory compliance required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Coast Guard Commandant Instruction 16478.5, and the National Historic Preservation Act. Specifically, we performed environmental review of construction projects, prepared Memorandums for Record and Records of Environmental Consideration and developed scopes for Environmental Assessments and Environmental Impact Statements. We reviewed the CEUJ list of annual construction projects and prepared an “Environmental Check List for Design/Construction Projects.” Using the environmental checklist and COMDTINST M16475.1D guidance, we determined the required level of NEPA documentation for each project and identified the environmental regulatory permits and coordination necessary to successfully complete each project.
Brice also collaborated on the preparation of NEPA documentation in the Decision Support System for USCG review and assisted with development of an information tool to report progress regarding NEPA and regulatory permits/reviews completion. In total, 20 of the projects required Endangered Species Act informal consultation packages and four projects required document scope development of an Environmental Assessment or Environmental Impact Statement.
In addition, Brice is currently serving as the USCG District 17 cultural resources lead subject matter expert, supporting USCG National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 compliance, reviewing projects, determining Area of Potential Effect, identifying historic properties, applying criteria of adverse effect, resolving adverse effects, historic building surveys, National Register of Historic Places evaluations, HABS/HAER documentation, and supporting agency and Tribal consultation.