Client: USACE Omaha
Location: Waterton Canyon, CO
Brice was awarded a contract to perform a vapor intrusion (VI) study at a former U.S. Air Force plant consisting of six operable units. The primary contaminants of concern (COCs) associated with the PJKS groundwater solid waste management units (SWMUs) is trichlorethylene (TCE), along with the intermediate products formed by the degradation of TCE. The second main COC in PJKS groundwater is N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA). The TCE and NDMA plumes are co-mingled.
In accordance with requirements, Brice will prepare work plans including a Project Management Plan, Quality Control Plan, UFP-QAPP, Accident Prevention Plan/Site Safety and Health Plan, deliver periodic and final reports, and participate in project meetings with the client to discuss technical, regulatory, or stakeholder issues, project progress and status with USACE, USAF, regulatory agencies, and stakeholder representatives.
We will conduct soil gas sampling and analysis in the building’s exterior and interior, as well as ambient locations. To perform the VI study, we will use the multiple lines of evidence approach to determine if VI is a potentially complete pathway.