On October 25, 2018, Super Typhoon Yutu struck Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands. With winds raging at a record 180 mph, the area was left devastated. As part of recovery efforts, the Federal Emergency Management Agency obligated $20.1 million to address critical priorities—from which $6.8 million was allocated to the construction of 66 temporary school structures—42 for the Public School System and 22 for Northern Marianas College.
Contracted to support FEMA through the USACE Honolulu District, Brice Engineering bid on and was awarded this emergency response project within one week. Our field team was then challenged with completing the construction of all 66 shelters in ~2.5 months.
This fast track project was a unique opportunity for Brice. We mobilized a team of 20 people to Saipan by early January, comprised of Site Superintendents, Site Safety Officers, Quality Control Officers, Operators, and Laborers hailing from our Anchorage headquarters and at least four other states. Working 10.5-hour days, 7 days a week together with the help of ~60 locally hired laborers, Brice proudly completed the project on time, allowing students to return to school to learn in safe classroom structures with a roof over the heads. Read the full story, After the Storm: Ensuring Education Can Continue as published in the July-August 2019 issue of The Military Engineer.